Monday, May 16, 2016

I Made It!

May has been a month full of transitions for me! This blog post is sort of a catch up for all of you since I have been absent. I hope this catches you up on my life but can also explain why blogging has taken a back seat these past two months! Once life settles down blogging is going to become a priority I promise!

During the first weekend of May I graduated college! My oh my has the past four years really flown by. I never even imagined that my graduation day would come. Everyone always told me to make the most out of my four years in college and I really believe that I did make the most of it. I held numerous leadership positions on campus, joined a sorority, was involved in community service coalitions, worked, and made the most amazing memories I could ever imagine. I met my best friends at American, discovered my passions, and fell in love with Washington, DC.

As I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, it all hit me. I am beyond grateful for the opportunities I have had at American. I am sad to see it all end but the University has shaped me to become this young woman ready to conquer the world!

Here are some great pictures of the special day!

Another reason why I have been so busy is because I am moving!! My current roommate and I found an amazing new apartment complex in Arlington, Virginia. It is super convenient to both of our new jobs and from the roof top terrace you can see the monuments. It is the ideal apartment building because it is in our budget, has great amenities, and I get my own room (which I haven’t had since before college)! We are in the process of moving everything in, purchasing new furniture, and decorating! I can’t wait to show you all my new living spaces so stay tuned!

Thank you all for continuing to come back to District of Prep despite my long absence. It means a lot that you all care and want to know more. Thank you for being patient as I go through a transitional time period!



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