Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Founders Day Ball

For those of you that don’t know I am a student at American University. I love my school and every February, American celebrates its founding date by throwing a ball! The ball consists of faculty, students, and alumni. It is always held at a famous DC landmark such as a museum, a sports center, or even a library. Tickets are free and they include food, desserts, and lots of dancing! This is a chance where my friends and I dress up all fancy and go out on the town.

This year American celebrated 123 years since the charter’s approval. In order to celebrate, AU held the ball at the National Portrait Gallery. It is a beautiful Smithsonian museum dedicated to art. One of the best parts of Founders Day is that we can tour the museum and the exhibits. The museum is open just for the ball at night and individuals attending the ball received unlimited access to the exhibits.

I went to the ball with a group of sorority sisters. We all dressed up and had a classy evening. I wore this lacy black and tan dress from Ann Taylor Loft (I got it on sale for only $30!). It was so much fun to walk around the museum all dressed up. The ball had an assortment of food. They were delicious and served as my dinner for the evening. They also had some great desserts including macaroons, cookies, mini cheesecakes, and much more.

My friends and I danced the night away. Throughout the museum their were live bands and djs. We danced the night away and my feet were feeling the pain after an hour! There was also a fun photo booth that we all took apart in. We received free copies of the pictures and they really show how much fun we had!

This years Founders Day ball was one for the books! I had a great time and I am so happy I went! Happy 123rd Birthday American University!



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