Wednesday, January 20, 2016

New Sisters

Hello everyone! I know I’ve been MIA (again) but it really has been crazy here! Like I mentioned in previous posts my first weekend back at school was dedicated to sorority recruitment. And my oh my did it really take up all of my time. Don’t get me wrong sorority recruitment is fun but it is a lot of work. It involved waking up in earlier hours of the morning, making sure your hair and makeup is spectacular, as well as being super chipper. I’m not really a morning person so this was difficult for me. But I put on a huge smile, made sure I chanted extremely loud, and had great conversations with so many amazing women. During the three days of recruitment I talked to wonderful people that were involved in so many interesting things!

Day One included basic conversations and meeting the sisters. My sorority cheered loudly as the possible new members walked in and we preformed a fun and cute skit for them, which included a Sigma Delta Tau version of the song Blank Space, and Ignition (Remix). I don’t think I can now sing those songs without the new Sig Delt lyrics!

On Day Two certain women were invited back to talk to our sisters. Day Two is also known as philanthropy day and this is where the sisters discuss the sorority’s philanthropies and events that are held on campus to raise awareness and funds.

The final day of recruitment is known as preference round which is formal. Fewer women are invited back and those that are get a sneak peak of the sorority’s rituals as well as have a prolonged conversation with a sister. Since I am a senior I had the opportunity to make a speech. Although I’m sad this was my last recruitment I was super excited that Bid Day was just a few hours away.

 Bid Day is when the individuals going through formal recruitment receive an invitation to join the sisterhood. Sigma Delta Tau offered forty-one bids aka I have forty-one new amazing sisters! Our bid day theme was “shooting for the stars” it was so much fun and everyone was super excited. I also used my selfie-stick which was a huge success!

 Although I was tired and eventually lost my voice the end result of having new sisters is always the highlight of recruitment weekend. Now that recruitment is over, my schedule should hopefully calm down (fingers crossed).



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