Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Preparing for a New Semester

A New Year always comes with a new semester. I have less then a week home before heading back to DC for my final semester at American University. I love the beginning of the semester because of new notebooks, a new schedule, and planning out what my semester will look like. Since there are so many new and critical aspects to the beginning of a semester it is important to prepare as much as possible so you can ease into your new schedule and classes! Here are some of my tips that have always helped me in the past and will help me in the upcoming weeks!

Purchase New School Supplies:

I love a good set of notebooks. They are fresh, new, and ready to be written in! When you purchase your new notebooks make sure you label each one with the class they correspond with that way you never lose notes in the future and always have the information for a class in one place.

Organize Your Planner:

Whenever I receive my syllabus on the first day of class I make sure to go through and write down everything that is due in advance in my planner. When I do this I can see it over the span of a few months. This also helps me get ahead and procrastinate less!

Get Your Textbooks ASAP:

Textbooks are expensive and often every professor wants you to buy at least one. There is nothing worse then falling behind in the first week of the semester because you don’t have your textbooks yet. As soon as you receive the information about what books you’re supposed to buy, buy them! I use amazon prime for the best deals and I highly suggest buying them from Amazon.

Think About Your Future Plans:

Once the semester starts everyone is also so busy with class, studying, and socializing. If you are planning to find a job over the summer or an internship it is important to start looking in advance so you are not overwhelmed when the applications are due. Make an appointment with your career center and ask for advice and help!

Get Back on a Schedule:

I am guilty of sleeping in and having no set schedule over winter break. I know once school begins waking up early and going back to work and studying will be a harsh reality. Try to get up a little bit earlier before school starts so your body can get used to the new habit!

Hope these tips help and comment below before if you have any more tips that seem to help you too!



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